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Our Academic Initiative


The main focus of the Academic Achievement Olympiad and Academic Olympian Society is to identify, award and publicly celebrate Academically Achieving Students in Youngstown City Schools.

To Help Youngstown City Schools Achieve Academic Excellence the FAMILY Empowerment Student Achievement Institute, Inc. has brought together parents and families, students, teachers, community based organizations, and higher education organizations to publicly identify, celebrate and award Youngstown's Best Social and Academic Practice students, teachers and schools. 


The Institute, Co-Founded in 2006 by Carole and Jimma McWilson, set as its Vision, Mission and S.M.A.R.T Goal to focus all of its collective energy and resources on the Academic Achievement of Students in Youngstown City Schools.


Collective, collaborative, inclusive and focused attention was not in place for "ALL' of the children.


This void, lack of collective community focus on Academic Achievement, is what the Institute's wanted to fill. 


With the help of Achieving Students, Supportive Parents/Families, dedicated and effective educators, the Academic Achievement Olympiad has proved the Co-Founders correct with the awarding of over 4,087 achieving students over the past 10 years and the attendance of over 21,000 attendees.


With continued support from the collective community the Institute hopes to reach an additional 3,000 achieving students and another 10,000 attendees over the next 3 years.




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